Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baby #5...

This morning I had a doctor's appointment and I was very excited (and anxious) because I knew that I would get to hear the baby's heartbeat. As I walked into the office, my doctor requested that I have an ultrasound...not that he had any major concerns, he just wanted to make sure that things were progressing as they should be with my dates. Of course I was even more excited because not only was I going to hear the heartbeat, but I was going to see the baby. Well...here is Baby #5's first picture.
I'm very happy to say that everything looks as it should for this stage in my pregnancy...and there is only one baby in there (for those of you who keep wishing twins on me:)

I showed Logan, Frank, and Claire the pictures when they got home from school. Logan asked, "Is she lieing down?" (note how he said "she"), Frank asked, "When is her birthday?" (again, note how he said "she"), and Claire just looked confused as to how I had a picture of a baby that she couldn't see herself. It's fun to see their reactions and see how their thoughts on this baby being a boy or girl keeps changing:)

As things move forward I will continue to keep everyone updated. That's all for now...


A said...

So exciting!!