Friday, April 30, 2010

Turning the corner...

For the past few weeks this pregnancy has been kicking my butt! I feel more tired with this pregnancy than I remember feeling with any of the others. People keep telling me, "Well, you have 4 kids to chase around now.", "With Jeff have to take care of everything.", and my favorite, "You're older now than you were during your other pregnancies." All of these explanations seem reasonable...but regardless, having zero energy or motivation was really starting to bug me! not me!

These past few days I feel like my energy is picking up. When I wake up in the morning I'm not wishing (as much) that I could just lie in bed forever. Things that need to be done around the house no longer seem like a gigantic chore. I'm no longer using the Wii as the kids sole source of entertainment and we're back to playing more board type games and getting outside to play. And...when 2:00 in the afternoon rolls around that extreme sleepiness doesn't overcome me making me crave a nap.

And with energy comes a little creativity. My friend Emily asked the other day if I could make her some thank you cards for her daughters First Communion and her son's birthday.
Also, I made these little cards for those random notes that need to be sent out. I've found that with Logan in kindergarten this year I have more of a need for these types of cards especially when corresponding with his teacher or bus drivers.

Well, that's all for's hoping this energy kick continues:)