While we were in the hospital (after having Emily) I asked Jeff if he noticed that a gap was starting to form on the bottom row of teeth in Frank's mouth. Not thinking this could be a loose tooth...I assumed the worst.
When we arrived home from the hospital we come to find out that Logan has lost his second tooth and that gap in Frank's mouth was a loose tooth hanging on by a thread. Needless to say...the Tooth Fairy paid out big at our house that week. Logan got $1 for his tooth and Frank got $5 for his first tooth (FYI - 20 quarters is not the same in the eyes of a 5 year old as a 5 dollar bill...rookie mistake:)
Regardless...each of the boys were eager to share the news with anyone who would listen...Frank especially. Frank had to call my parents immediately. The next morning he got himself dressed right away so that he could show the neighbor kids at Logan's bus stop his missing tooth. He is very proud!
So, here's my question...at what age do we stop paying for a child loosing a tooth? Seriously...I now have 5 kids (20 teeth currently in Logan, Frank, and Claire's mouths...MK is not far behind...and I can't stop the growth of teeth in Emily's mouth:)...that could end up being a lot of cash...hahaha! I guess when the jig is up about Santa we'll break the news about the Tooth Fairy:) Anyway I size this up...we may have to start a "Tooth Fairy" savings account:)
Well, that's all for now...
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