Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day...

I hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day! Although I've been a mom for 6 years, it's still hard for me to believe that I'm being celebrated on this day. My husband and the kids did a great job of making the day special for me.

Jeff and I started this tradition where a gift (for any occasion) from the kids is a funny t-shirt. This was my Mother's Day t-shirt. I should have stood sideways so you could see the baby bump coming out of Cookie Monsters mouth. I got a lot of comments from neighbors and strangers...if you can imagine. The kids laughed when I made the shirt wearing a goofy shirt for a day was well worth it.
My other gift was garden boxes. Jeff built two garden boxes for me yesterday and I am going to attempt to grow my own strawberries, tomatoes, cucumber and maybe peppers. I know...very ambitious for my first try at growing anything...but I thought the more I have going on the more likely that at least one thing will produce something. As the boxes get filled with dirt and plants I will be sure to share those pictures.
Although I didn't see my Mom on Mother's Day I will be seeing her today to give her her gift. I made her an 8x8 scrapbook album of our family's 2009 year in review. I keep my Mom very involved in my life...but I thought giving her something that documented all of the occasions might be nice. Plus, I made her an album a couple of years ago and I think she secretly has been wanting another one since.
Her are some of the pages that I made for the album.

Well, that's all for now...again, I hope everyone had a great day...and has a great week!


Heather Ruwe said...

WOW, those pages are awesome!!!!
I think the pic of you should be your christmas card this year. LOL