Saturday, May 29, 2010

Last day of kindergarden...

Yesterday was Logan's last day of kindergarten. (I don't know who was more traumatized by the event, me or him?)

As Logan was eating his breakfast yesterday morning I asked him if he was happy or sad that this was his last day, and he said sad. When I asked him why he said, "I'm going to miss Mrs. Sroufe (his teacher)."...and that was when my tearing up began. I did my best to keep my composure and told him that she was going to miss him too, but that I would be sure to take a picture of him and her so that he could remember her. (As a side note, this was Mrs. Sroufe's last day at Clough because she and her husband are moving to D.C.)

Families were invited to Clough at from 9:00-10:00 for a performance by the kindergartners and refreshments in the classroom afterwards.

The minute the curtain opened for the performance and I saw Logan standing on stage the tears began to well up in my eyes...and when he found me in the audience and waved...I was completely crying. I finally pulled myself together half way through the first song. (In case you have trouble finding him, he's holding the first "A" in banana.)

Then each student was handed the microphone and introduced themselves and said what their favorite part of kindergarten was. (We received a letter earlier in the week telling us that this is what our child would be doing and we were asked to rehearse with them. Each time I went over it with Logan he said that his favorite thing was going to be a surprise.) As he received the mic during the show he clearly said his name and that his favorite thing was "Centers"...not a bad reply. Secretly I was hoping for him to say math or reading...but centers was a good choice:)
After the performance we went back to his room to have punch and cookies. I was able to snap a few pictures of Logan and some of his new friends from the year.

Logan and Matthew

Logan and Grant

As the party was about to end we made our way to Mrs. Sroufe for a picture. During this time I thanked her for all that she did this year with Logan and his class. She told me that Logan was a fantastic student and a role model. Also, she said that he is well prepared for 1st grade...and as you might have already guessed, I began to cry.

Me, Logan and Mrs. Scroufe

I am so proud of all that Logan has accomplished this year. He learned to read, write, add, subtract, count money, problem solve...I could go on and on. He has made some wonderful friends...and he is always eager to come home and share all of this with his family. Mrs. Sroufe is a wonderful teacher!...I can't say enough about her. She has given Logan an excellent start to his education...she's going to be a tough act to follow. Although I'm sad for Logan to leave Clough and his friends...I am excited for the new adventures he will encounter next year in first grade at St. Thomas More.

Well, that's all for now...