Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Year Resolutions...

With 2011 quickly approaching I've thought a lot about what I'd like to accomplish in the new year. I want to put my goals out there because too many resolutions are made like they are birthday wishes..."I can't tell anyone or they won't come try"...but the reality of it is, if I don't tell anyone I can't be held accountable if I don't follow through. Like my friend John said to me one time, "Shane, I'm tired of you telling me what you might do...just do it!" So, with that they are:

1.) I'm going to run the Flying Pig again this year. I ran it once (before kids) in 2002...and I really miss that feeling of training for something big...the checking off the miles on your training schedule, and then the actual race! Since Jeff is on a quest to run a marathon in every state I think it's contagious...not the every state part, but the running:)

2.) I'm going to get my website up and running in hopes that my passion for making cards might make a little money. This idea started brewing this summer, but with the upcoming arrival of a new baby, my mind (and time) was elsewhere. I have friends and family that have the know how to help me make this happen...I have to "Just do it!"

3.) I'm going to get (at least) one of my creations published in a magazine! Well...I'm going to get a little bit more serious about it and hopefully something will get noticed. In the past I would submit something here or there...but I think one of the the keys to getting published is to put more out there...let your name and work be seen more often.

So, there they are...short and sweet! As the year progresses I'll be sure to post updates on how things are going...but also, I want to be asked how they are going...that's the whole point of putting it out there. Wish me luck!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Monogram note cards as gifts...

If you are like me as the years progress your list is growing longer and longer with the need for those little random gifts for classroom teachers, dance teachers, Sunday school teachers, bus drivers, the mailman, the sitters, neighbors, etc.

When my list first started to grow (Logan's first year of preschool) I wanted to get something for these wonderful people that was thoughtful, as well as useful, yet didn't cost a fortune because I already had a long list of gifts I needed to buy for immediate family and friends. Well...that's when I started making monogrammed note cards for these special people in our lives. It was something that was useful (who doesn't need a random note card at some point...and you feel like the large yellow post-it isn't fancy enough...haha:) and the fact that I was personalizing it with their initial and making the myself...well, I thought that covered thoughtful.

Last year I branched out and offered to make these note cards for friends and family members in need. So, with that all said...that is what I'm doing again this year. If you need a quick personalized gift, with a quick turn around time, I can help you out. Here is what I have to offer..

6 ~ (4"x5.5" ) silver and white folded note cards with white envelopes, silver embossed initial and embellishments, packaged in a clear box, tied with a red ribbon and festive tag ~ $8.00

(gold and cream can be substituted for silver and white)

6 ~ (5"x7") lavender, brown, and white flat note cards with lavender envelopes, brown stamped initial, brown satin and sheer ribbon, packaged in a clear bag, tied with a red ribbon and festive tag ~ $10.00

(sage green and light blue can be substituted for lavender)

I know I'm a little late in putting this offer out there, but with each set only taking 20-30 mins. to complete, I am confident that I can get things done. So, please let me know if you are interested in any note cards for those special people that made your list this year:)

PS - Also, please know that if there is something custom you would like done...I aim to please:)

Monday, November 15, 2010

More thank you notes...

So, I've exhausted my supply of baby thank you notes therefore more had to be made. Sometimes when I have a design that I like...I can't stop production:) I start with the color of the card, then hunt down paper, and then next thing I know it's as if my scrap booking supplies have blown up and I now have 50 cards made. Anyway...I thought I'd share some of the cards I made. Definitely more girly...
Well, that's all for to feed a hungry baby:)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Keeping the Tooth Fairy in business...

Two weeks before we were scheduled to have Emily, Logan had some teeth issues. Apparently a filling had cracked and an infection had set in. He was complaining somewhat that his tooth hurt but I didn't take him seriously until he came home from school one day with a swollen cheek (it looked like he had a piece of hard candy in his mouth). The two solutions were to pull the tooth (but then we would be dealing with spacing issues for the next 2-3 years until the permanent tooth came in) or have a kiddie root canal. We went with option #2. Logan has recovered fine...but as a Mom I'm wondering what I can do better to make sure this doesn't happen again. Needless to say...I've been on high alert about my kid's teeth.

While we were in the hospital (after having Emily) I asked Jeff if he noticed that a gap was starting to form on the bottom row of teeth in Frank's mouth. Not thinking this could be a loose tooth...I assumed the worst.

When we arrived home from the hospital we come to find out that Logan has lost his second tooth and that gap in Frank's mouth was a loose tooth hanging on by a thread. Needless to say...the Tooth Fairy paid out big at our house that week. Logan got $1 for his tooth and Frank got $5 for his first tooth (FYI - 20 quarters is not the same in the eyes of a 5 year old as a 5 dollar bill...rookie mistake:)

Regardless...each of the boys were eager to share the news with anyone who would listen...Frank especially. Frank had to call my parents immediately. The next morning he got himself dressed right away so that he could show the neighbor kids at Logan's bus stop his missing tooth. He is very proud!

So, here's my what age do we stop paying for a child loosing a tooth? Seriously...I now have 5 kids (20 teeth currently in Logan, Frank, and Claire's mouths...MK is not far behind...and I can't stop the growth of teeth in Emily's mouth:)...that could end up being a lot of cash...hahaha! I guess when the jig is up about Santa we'll break the news about the Tooth Fairy:) Anyway I size this up...we may have to start a "Tooth Fairy" savings account:)

Well, that's all for now...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's a GIRL!

Emily Christine
8 pounds and 6 ounces
21 inches long
Last Thursday we welcomed our 5th child into the world! Although our c-section time kept getting pushed back (apparently women were coming in left and right in labor) Emily arrived with ten fingers, ten toes, and a beautiful head of red hair! She is as healthy as you could wish for...we couldn't be more blessed!
We had several visitors come to the hospital but I have to say the funniest bunch of visitors were our kids. Jeff picked Logan, Frank, Claire, and Mary Kate up one evening (to relieve my parents who had been staying with the kids while we were in the hospital) to see their new sister. Of course as they enter the room I was nursing Emily...which then lead to a ton of favorite compliments of Frank (of course), "Why do you feed her out of that? (as he lifted up his shirt and points to his own nipple) Awww...curious little minds:)

They were all eager to hold her and complained when their turn was up. Even Mary Kate wanted in on the action. We did manage to get a pretty good group photo...

I have to share some of the gifts we received...edible bouquets! They were a huge hit with the kids!

We are now home and everyone is adjusting well to our newest addition. The kids are all still eager to hold Emily whenever possible...and I must say (knock on wood) she has been extremely kind on me and Jeff in terms of eating and sleeping. We are not the zombies we were anticipating when bringing a new born home. Here's praying that Emily continues in her content ways!

Of course...I must share the thank you cards I whipped up before having Emily. I always like to have "Thank you" cards on hand when having a baby. The one morning I woke up realizing that I didn't have any cards done here is what I came up with. I've done a similar design before, but I just altered it to be a little bit more baby appropriate. The other challenge was since we didn't know the gender of the baby, I tried to make them neutral to boy or girl. Since I'm almost out of these cards it will be nice to whip up a set of girly thank you cards:)

Well, that's all for now...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Christmas card preview...

So, this year I have decided to make my own Christmas cards. You know...with all of the free time that I'm going to have I thought it would be a great idea...hahaha! Anyway...the design is already done which is the hard part. I have all of the materials which I will cut and assemble ahead of time. All I'm waiting on is the arrival of baby #5 because I'm going to include a family picture on inside with a personalized greeting from the entire family.

When I showed Jeff the card he had his usual expression...not overly excited:) Then he asked me, "Wouldn't it be easier just to do a card through Snapfish like we've always done?" Sure, that would be a TON easier...but where's the fun??? the challenge??? the sense of accomplishment when a big project is done???

So, for those of you who are on my Christmas card list I hope my cards don't disappoint in person!

Well, that's all for now...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Birth announcements...

So here are pictures of the birth announcements that I have been working on.

Girl announcement
- the funny thing about this sample is that the picture is of Logan as a baby...I didn't have any of either of the girls head on with their eyes open.

Boy announcement
~this is truly a picture of Frank.

Here is a preview of the announcement that I will be sending out with baby #5. I kept the colors neutral so, as I find out the gender of the baby the bow will either remain pink or I'll change it to blue. By keeping things neutral I will be able to have most of the card assembled before the baby arrives and then add the pictures and the appropriate color of ribbon. So, it looks like I'll have 110 to make before next Thursday...wish me luck!

Well, that's all for now...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Wedding...

This past weekend my brother in law (Paul...the one I did the programs for) got married. It was a perfect day for a wedding! The weather was ideal, the bride (my new sister in law Krista) looked amazing, Claire (the flower girl) successfully made it down the isle, and my kids had a blast at the reception! Everything went off without a hitch...and although I'm as big as a VW bug I had a great time myself!

On Thursday evening I took a few of my friends up on their offer to help me finish up the wedding programs. It was a huge help to have the extra hands. I can't imagine how long I would have been up finishing the project without it's always fun to hang out with the girls! So, a BIG BIG thanks to Julie, Sarah, and Melanie for their help!
Friday was the rehearsal...and all went well! As we woke up Saturday morning I immediately felt the full agenda of the day on my shoulders. Since Jeff was in the wedding he had to be to his brother's house at noon so I had a bulk of the day left up to me. I had to take everyone to Frank's soccer game at 11:00. After the game we grabbed lunch on the way home then all four kids went down for a nap.

At 3:00 my sister showed up with all of her hair styling equipment to do Claire's hair. (Yeah, my grand idea with Claire's hair was a no-go so I called my sister Friday night for backup and she saved the day! She did an absolutely amazing job on Claire's hair! So, a huge thanks to my sister Kim!) As my sister was working on Claire I began getting the other three kids and myself dressed. By 4:30 we were all in the car heading to the church.

Claire and her stylist...Aunt Kim!

The crew before the wedding.

Everything at the church was perfect...(as I said before) Claire successfully made it down the isle in her adorable dress (that my Mom made...thanks Mom!), Krista and Paul looked so happy, the pictures afterwards were quick, and then we were off to the reception.

Claire and my nephew Tyler coming down the isle.

Krista, Paul, and their ring bearer and flower girl!

Since my kids had never been to a wedding before they had no idea what to expect. I kept trying to explain the dancing, the food, the cake, etc. But the questions kept coming and I knew the only true way they would understand is to see it for themselves. Needless to say...they had an awesome time! They danced themselves silly with their cousins and drank so much pop (Sprite of course) that I was positive I would be changing someones sheets in the middle of the night. I was shocked at 10:45 to see that the reception had worn them out (not the other way around) and everyone was asking if the party was over yet?

Everyone getting down at the reception!

As you might have guessed everyone feel asleep on the way home and slept in the next day. A great time was had by all! Thanks to everyone who helped me out with this big day!...and congratulations to Krista and Paul!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's been awhile...

Warning, long post!

Well, it's been a few weeks since my last post...and a lot has been going on in my home.


Preschool is finally back in session for Frank and Claire. Frank is going three days a week and Claire is going two days. It was hard explaining to them why they weren't in school yet since Logan had started almost a month ago (after meeting the teacher and a staggered start their first full week was Sept. 20). They had an easy transition back into the school routine and they are both enjoying their new teachers and meeting new friends.

From the looks of this picture I think Mary Kate was more excited for Frank and Claire to be heading back to school than they were:)

Getting ready for baby #5

Two weeks ago we made the move of making Claire and Mary Kate roommates. (We needed to free up Mary Kate's room and the crib for the new baby.) Jeff assembled the bunk beds and after one week of Claire enjoying the top bunk, and her room all to herself for the last time, we moved Mary Kate into the room as well as into a "Big Girl Bed". And I must say...Mary Kate has done surprisingly well with the transition. Sure she has gotten out of bed a few times...but I still have my sanity and my hair!

Another crafty family member

As some of you may know, my brother Todd dabbles in photography. Just like me...he's looking to branch out with his hobby and maybe one day make some money from it. Here are some of his pieces of work...

This is a new addition to my walls. Can you see how it spells out RIEDER? I thought this was a really cool idea when my brother first showed it to me. I was able to find the frame at Michael's...thank goodness we only have 6 letters in our last name. I've hung this above my front door. A neighbor of mine has a similar picture and that's where she put it...and I thought that was a great place for it because everyone will for sure see it who enters my house.

These pictures of fruit are hanging in my kitchen. Once we remodeled the kitchen (remember the crazy wall paper??) I had a lot of wall space to fill. I called my brother and asked if he could take pictures of fruit to hang in my kitchen. I've gotten many compliments on these photographs.

He also does action photos (ie. your kid playing soccer, swimming, etc.) so if you're shopping around for some wall art let me know...I can put you in contact with him.

Birthday Girl

Last week we celebrated Claire's 4th birthday! Just when I've calmed down and got my emotions in check about my kids growing up way too fast here comes another birthday. Unfortunately though...Claire was sick on her birthday. Although she was running a fever for three days surrounding her birthday it didn't seem to keep her down. On her actual birthday just our family made her day special with a "Tinker Bell" cake and some presents. Then over the weekend we had her grandparents and her Godparents over for dinner, cake, and of course some more presents. She is more than thrilled to tell everyone that she is now 4!

Although I don't have any of my own crafty creations in this post, don't fear...I have things in the works. I am currently working on 200 wedding programs for my brother in law's wedding...they went with the program with the stamped branch and leaves. (I have had a few friends offer their assistance in assembling them...which will be a huge help! Can I pay friends in food and wine?) Also I am working on a few samples of baby announcements. I have this crazy idea that I will make my own announcements with baby #5. We'll see if that's the caffeine from my coffee talking or if I'm legit?

Well, if you've made it all the way to this point...thanks for reading...and that's all for now...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wedding programs...

Here are the three wedding programs that I came up with for my brother in law's wedding.


Booklet style ~ The cover to this is patterned paper that I bought at Archivers. I printed the information on plain white card stock and then mounted on metallic brow paper. On the inside is where I plan to print all of the information about the ceremony. I used the brown ribbon to hold that paper and the cover together.

Flat card style ~ I printed all of the wedding ceremony information on plain white card stock and then double mounted it onto metallic brown and champagne paper. The branch and leaves I stamped on using a stamp set from Papertrey called "Out on a Limb - Revised". This is my new favorite comes with leaves, buds, or blooms that can be stamped...I have a vision of using the blooms with a lavender color scheme.

Clipboard style ~ The front cover is where I printed the opening information onto a leaf textured paper. The card underneath is white as well...and this is where I will print the ceremony information. I will then attach these two cards onto a metallic brown pieced of card stock using a champagne ribbon.

I emailed all three options to my brother in law and his fiancee today. My brother in law really liked all three we shall see which one he will pick. After that...I need to really get my act together because I have a feeling I will be putting together over a hundred programs. I'll keep you posted on my level of craziness at that point:)

Well, until later...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Frank is 5!

This past Thursday Frank turned 5 years old! He has been counting down to this day for a very long time...I think since Logan turned 6 in March:)

As soon as Frank walked into my bedroom that morning, I wished him a Happy Birthday...and he then informed me that he is now faster, stronger, and taller now that he is 5.

All day long he kept referring to himself as "The Birthday Boy"...and he said this to every random person we ran into at Target, Krogers, Party City, and the Post Office. I couldn't help but to laugh each time...he had been waiting for this day for, heck yeah, he should live it up!

For his birthday celebration we had a Batman themed party for him at the Jump Zone.
There were 16 little kids there jumping in honor of Frank's big day...he was absolutely loving the fact that he was the center of attention.
I truly thought that I was going to make it through this milestone without crying...but low and behold, when everyone started to sing "Happy Birthday" to my little guy, the tears started to well up in my eyes. I fought them back, but I still can't help to be emotional over the fact that Frank is now 5.

Frank has always been an independent and tough little guy trying to keep up with the big kids (heck, he learned how to ride 2 wheels a few days before he turned 4 when Logan had decided to make the jump). He says and does funny things on a regular basis...some of which I wonder where he gets it from. He likes to be right (who doesn't?)...and when he has a tid bit of information he will share it with all (like the time he told a lady to get out of the pool because she had to be 18 or older to participate in adult swim...and clearly the lady fell well within the age range). I know he may drive some people crazy (myself times) but I can't help that when I look at him I want to squeeze that little freckled face and kiss him all over. Although he challenges me at times...he is making me a better parent...and I can only thank him and love him even more for that.

Happy Birthday Frank!...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My prima ballerina...

Yesterday was the first day of dance class for Claire...and boy was she excited!
I had set out her dance clothes the night before and as soon as she got up, she wanted to get dressed immediately. She looked so cute in her little leotard and tights.
As soon as she was all dressed she was very eager to show her brothers her new dance outfit. When Frank saw her he said, "Claire make sure you dance real good!" and Logan said, "Make sure you smack your bottom when you dance!" (lovely...huh?) Regardless, their words were meant to encourage her, and it was sweet to see the boys excited for Claire's new thing.

When we got to the class (it's only for an hour once a week) Claire did not hesitate at all...(in addition to her overall excitement her friend Lauren is in the same class).

Lauren and Claire outside of the dance sweet!

As soon as Claire received her name tag from the teacher, she joined the other girls. Since the teachers prefer that parents not be in the room during the class I ran some errands while the class was going on.

When I returned Claire was full of information about the class. I asked her what her tap shoes sounded like when she wore them she said, "Well, when we were stomping on sounded like we were breaking glass." (I love teacher explanations for an almost 4 year old.) She was telling me the name of some of the girls as well as a few of the activities they did. She clearly had a great time and loved it!

Today she asked me how many days until her next class. When I gave her the count down to next Monday I realized that due to Labor Day the next class will be cancelled therefore she won't have another class for 13 more days. I better come up with something pretty amazing for this coming Monday or I'm going to have a very disappointed little girl.

Well, until later...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My baby is a year and a half old...

Mary Kate turned a year and a half the other day...and again, I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around this...where has the time gone?

18 month pictures...I usually only get one pose, but got suckered into the one with the flower...really, who could have resisted?

She has grown and changed so much over the year. She is so darn cute (if I may say so myself)! For the most part she is a typical and happy little girl. She loves to swim, run around with her brothers and sister, cuddle with her OHHH SO soft yellow blanket (thank you Bish Family), giggle, suck her thumb (when the time comes...any suggestions on how to take that away???), take off her shoes every chance she gets, demonstrate her temper tantrum abilities, babble (and is starting to put words together...the latest, "Hi baby!" (thanks Mer:), make others feel welcome, and my! She is not shy...which right now is cute...but makes me a little worried about what her teenage years might look like:)

Believe it or not, my 4th child is still teaching me new things about being a parent, and although she only has 9 more weeks to hold the title of "the baby" in our one can take away her number 4 status! I am so blessed to have her in my life!

Well, until later...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

And he's off...

Today was Logan's first day of school. He is a big time 1st grader now at St. Thomas More. I've been having trouble wrapping my brain around the fact that this day is already here. It wasn't all that long ago that he was a little baby needing all of my help and care to get through the day...days when I knew exactly all that was happening in his life.

One of my all time favorite pictures of Logan (3 months old) makes me giggle every time I see it!

Logan's new 6 year picture...a little late...but better late that never:)

Now, he's 6 years old and getting on a bus, going to a new school, meeting new friends, learning new things...and I'm not the key player any longer. I am so proud of the young man he is turning into and excited to hear all about this new adventure...but I can't help to be a little sad that he's growing up way too fast...and he may out grow me.

We were all up and outside waiting to see Logan get on the bus this morning except for Jeff. (Jeff was bummed when he realized that he would be in Hawaii for work on Logan's first day of school. However Jeff set his alarm (there is a 6 hour time difference between here and Hawaii) so that he could talk to Logan this morning and wish him good luck on his first day of school. I wish I was thinking ahead and had my camera ready for the call...Logan was smiling ear to ear to hear from his Dad:) I think Frank, Claire, and Mary Kate were as excited as Logan for his first day...although as the morning into afternoon wore on...Frank kept asking when Logan was going to be home.

Logan and (our neighbor) Andrew...they were excited to know that they would be in the same class again this year:)

Lauren (Andrew's sister), Logan, and Andrew waiting in our driveway for the bus

As Logan got on the bus I held it together pretty well...only a little tearing up. I think it helped that as soon as I turned around I still had Frank, Claire, and Mary Kate here to keep me busy and take my mind off it. But, as they all went down for naps and I had some quiet time to myself, it hit me...and I let myself have a good cry. Silly???...maybe...but I can't help to think back to those 6 precious years that I had him all to myself...and now he's off to a new chapter in his life that I pray he will let me be a part of.

Well, that's all for now...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bridal shower...

Awhile back I had mentioned that I volunteered to do the invitations for my future sister in law's bridal shower. Initially I thought I had 50 to do, but as it turns out it ended up being 60. A little intimidating at first, but once the design was set, all I had to do was assemble them. Here is the finished product.

It's a little hard to see, but there are tiny pink hearts falling down on the umbrella. Hopefully this close up shows it a little bit better. This would also be a cute invitation for a baby shower...change up the colors and instead of hearts...substitute little baby buggies falling.

The assembly process...almost finished...adding the hearts to each invitation. As a gift to the bride to be...I am making her 40 thank you cards. I came up with these two designs. I couldn't decide which one to do for all 40 so I'm going to do 20 of each.

Next on the agenda...the wedding programs. I have a couple of ideas brewing. I'm going to make them then let my brother in law and his fiance decide which one they want to go with. I will be sure to share those when they're hot off the press!

Well, that's all for now...