Saturday, May 15, 2010

The zoo...

Preparing for an outing with the kids can (at times) be mentally and physically exhausting. When all the plans are thought through sometimes it just seems like too much for my energy level at the time and the plans are squashed for something more low key.

Yesterday Logan was going to a friend's house after school, so I didn't have to rush home to meet his bus at 11:30...meaning my morning with the other kids was, we went to the zoo!

This time as I prepared for the outing, I let myself think less about the entire trip and just went with what was happening in the moment...and we had a great time!

Although the parking lot wasn't full the zoo was filled with many school groups on field trips. Regardless...the kids did great! We walked almost the entire zoo! If you have the chance to go soon, definitely hit the jungle trail near the polar bears. There are several monkeys back in that area that just had babies. Also, one (maybe even two) of the gorillas just had a baby as well. Sooo cute!

Well, that's all for now...


Heather Ruwe said...

I love that picture of the three of them shane! sounds like you guys had fun! :)