Monday, March 14, 2011

Bald is beautiful...

This past weekend Jeff shaved his head bald for a wonderful cause! Recently he learned about a foundation called St. Baldericks. This foundation raises money for pediatric cancer research. It is the largest money raising organization for kid's cancer research. Jeff's goal was to raise $2,000 but ended up raising $3,385! The support from friends and family was amazing! Thank you to everyone who donated!

Friday we headed to Indianapolis for the event. A reception was held at a K of C where there was food, music, and drinks for all the people participating. As soon as we entered the room we encountered one bald head after, teenagers, little kids, and even women! The shaving of the heads was took place on a stage where there were several barbers lined up ready to expose your scalp. At 7:00 p.m. when Jeff's name was called he went up without fact I think he was looking forward to seeing himself bald. was the end result...

Not too bad! No weird lumps or bumps were exposed...thank goodness:) In fact...the next day Jeff took a razor to his head to make it all nice and shiny. As of now he plans to keep it shaved for awhile and I must say I don't mind.

I am often amazed at what Jeff commits himself to. With his already busy life or running a company, traveling, raising 5 kids, training for marathons, involvement in several organizations...things like donating time, money, and even shaving his head are still on his mind. I absolutely love this about him!...and he inspires me to do more and be better. Now, does that mean I'll shave my head next year...probably not...but I am so proud of Jeff and to be his wife!

Well, that's all for now...


Judy1223 said...

Good for Jeff! What a generous guy! My brother and his sons have also shaved their heads in support of the St. Balderick's fundraising efforts. My daughter has done Locks of Love twice now (and she is only 9!). So wonderful when the people in our lives do such generous things for others and set a good example for all of us!

Shane said...

It was a great thing to watch my husband be a part of! I have done Locks of Love (twice) myself...great causes!