Thursday, February 4, 2010

What's Cooking?

A friend of mine had surgery several months ago, and many of our friends helped her out by making meals. After all was said and my friend had recovered she was trying to locate the owners of miscellaneous items left at her home. She sent out several pictures of the of which was a picture of potholders. My friend Amy found the picture humorous and sent this reply..."The photo of the potholders kind of cracked me up! I laughed for the first time all day and then couldn't help but smile, because the photo of potholders represents how wonderful you all are. Those potholders show exactly all that you do for everyone. Those potholders came with food that was made with love, and covered the hands that cook and pray and hug...what a wonderful special group of women I am so privileged to be associated with." I just loved this reply so I made this card and sent it to my friend Amy...hoping to make her laugh and smile again...


Diana said...

ADORABLE card. Met you on Hero Arts. Love your blog. Come visit me!