I first worried that Jeff wouldn't remember what time Logan had to get on the bus. But from my bedroom I heard Jeff telling Logan to have a great day as the bus pulled up.
My next worry was that Jeff wouldn't get Frank to school on time. I usually leave 20-25 minutes before school starts which gives me plenty of time to get to school without rushing myself or the kids. With 15 minutes until Frank's school began I hear Jeff telling the kids to get their coats on...ahhh! (They were going to be late...plus Jeff didn't know where Frank's class was!) Later I found out that they made it on time. However that day Frank decided to be stubborn and not tell Jeff where his class was, but Claire jumped in and helped out. (Gotta love my little Frank:)
I had the same worries with the return of Logan's bus and picking Frank up from school...but all kids made it home safe and sound.
In the evening as I started to feel better I made my way to the family room to rest on the couch...and this is what I found. (I took this picture the following day...can you see Mary Kate in the middle of the chaos with her bottle???)
Not only was the house a wreck but...Mary Kate was still in her pajamas (and had gone out of the house in them!) and Claire had picked out her own clothes (she found some capris from last summer that now looked like long tight tight shorts on her and a top that did not match).
My first instinct was to get up and get our house (and kids) back in order...but then not feeling well, I had no energy. As I layed on the couch and surveyed the distruction around me and overwhelming sense of appreciation for my husband came over me. He walked in my shoes for a day...and succeeded! Was the timing of the day like I would have done it??? No, but everyone got to where they needed to be and home without any problems. Were the kids dressed the way I would have dressed them??? No, but really who cares??? They sure didn't...and I know Claire was thrilled to have had the independence to get herself all ready. Did my house look like I wanted it??? No, but the kids were happily playing, getting along, they were fed, and well rested.
So, I wanted to thank my husband again for showing me that there are many different ways to care and love our family! Although everything didn't appear to be in order...everything was fine:)
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