Sunday, April 18, 2010

Great weekend...and still going...

I love when you have no idea that your weekend is going to be great! Sure you might have some things on your agenda...but when the weekend couldn't have planned it any better.

My Friday evening started with Euchre at my friend Sarah's house. Every six weeks the girls in the neighborhood get together and play Euchre. (It's a $5 buy in...2nd place gets their money back and the winner takes the rest.) Those of you who know me were probably shocked to hear that I'm playing Euchre on a regular basis. I've never really had a love of the game...therefore I have no strategy or plan when I play. In the past when I would play I'd pray that I wouldn't foul up too badly, and that I wouldn't make a complete fool of myself. When the girls in the neighborhood invited me to join the group it was mostly because of them versus playing Euchre that made me say yes. (They have not disappointed yet...every gathering is filled with laughing until you cry and many one liners to take home with you...SHOCKER!:) Well, I am happy to say with only one major mess up this past Friday (sorry Bethie) I came in second. Yeah for me...I broke even!

My Saturday morning began with Claire and I joining my friend Ami and her daughter Lauren at Sesame Street Live! Sure, not my pick of shows, but the girls loved it! I think the two of them jumped, skipped, and ran all the way from the car into the show. They ate themselves silly with popcorn, cotton candy, fish crackers, and pop. Although they got a little wiggly towards the was priceless to watch their faces as the characters sang and danced.
When we got home from the show Jeff took the boys out for some laser tag...and me and the girls took a nap...a much needed nap.

Then at 6:00 our awesome babysitter arrived and Jeff and I headed out for the night to meet some friends from college that we don't get to see as often as we'd like. We ate at the Fuji Steakhouse in Oakley and then headed to Stones in Norwood for some bowling. (Jeff and I and our friends from college use to do a lot of bowling together before we all had kids. It was almost a guarantee that one night of our weekend would be spent at a bowling alley...ah, memories:) Needless to say...I've really lost my bowling game...but we still had a great time!

This morning Jeff had an early flight out of town. He's heading to Phoenix then to several other places throughout the week...I lost track after he listed off the first two that bad? Usually him leaving on Sunday would make me sad...but the day looks beautiful, the kids and I are heading to church, and then out to lunch. I have a feeling that we'll end the day with some playing outside with our neighbors. How can that make anyone sad?...although life is always more fun when Jeff is here:)

Well, I hope everyone had a great weekend...until later...